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My name is Justin G, your host for Adjusting Podcast. This has been a passion project of mine for a while. I started with an idea called VIP (Vision is Possible) to a short lived Instagram Page "Affirming Me", and then I started therapy, receiving. Akashi record readings, introduced to Tantric Yoga and the vision finally came with this project here. 

Mission and Purpose

Life transitions aren't easy, but you don't have to navigate them alone. The Adjusting podcast is your audio roadmap for the journey of healing, growth and self-discovery. Through candid interviews and inspirational reflections, we'll explore the inevitable adjustments that come with confronting trauma, redefining your purpose, nurturing mental wellness and living authentically. Join us each week to hear empowering stories of resilience and get the tools to embrace life's changes with courage and self-compassion. It's an intimate space to lay it all out there and find motivation to adjust your mindset, one brave step at a time.

For Daily Motivation

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Nelson Design Lab

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